Advanced Usage

Inline Templates

from django_webix.formsets import WebixTabularInlineFormSet, WebixStackedInlineFormSet
from django_webix.views import WebixCreateWithInlinesUnmergedView, WebixUpdateWithInlinesUnmergedView

from <app_name>.forms import MyModelForm
from <app_name>.models import MyModel, InlineModel

class InlineModelInline(WebixStackedInlineFormSet):
    model = InlineModel
    fields = '__all__'

class MyModelCreateView(WebixCreateWithInlinesUnmergedView):
    model = MyModel
    inlines = [InlineModelInline]
    form_class = MyModelForm

class MyModelUpdateView(WebixUpdateWithInlinesUnmergedView):
    model = MyModel
    inlines = [InlineModelInline]
    form_class = MyModelForm

Inline QuerySet

from django_webix.formsets import WebixStackedInlineFormSet
from django_webix.views import WebixCreateWithInlinesView, WebixUpdateWithInlinesView, WebixDeleteView

from <app_name>.models import InlineModel

class InlineModelInline(WebixStackedInlineFormSet):
    model = InlineModel
    fields = '__all__'

    def get_queryset(self):
        return self.inline_model.objects.filter(**filters)

Custom FormSet Class

from django_webix.formsets import BaseWebixInlineFormSet

class CustomInlineFormSet(BaseWebixInlineFormSet):
    # ...

class InlineModelInline(WebixStackedInlineFormSet):
    # ...
    custom_formset_class = CustomInlineFormSet
    # ...

Add custom action with user input request

Write custom ui to django-webix acton with input parametrs asked to users.

Python view

In python view write the action as usual with @action_config

               short_description=_("Action title"),
def my_action(self, request, qs):
    _elements_count = int(qs.count())
    # ...
    return JsonResponse({
        "status": True,
        "message": _("{elements_count} elements succesfully updated").format(
        "redirect_url": self.get_url_list(),

Javascript template

In javascript list template overwrite the toolbar_list_actions block

  1. First of all write a new function with the action user interface definition, usually with some user input widgets (choices, text)

    • This function show the user input widgets windows, and then, on confirm callback, runs the action_execute function with the input params as last optional argument (all the other arguments are not changed)
    • The input params shoud be an object like: {‘my_choice’: ‘choice_value’}
    var my_custom_action_ui = function (action, ids, all, response_type, short_description, modal_title, modal_ok, modal_cancel) {
            view: "window",
            width: 300,
            modal: true,
            position: "center",
            head: {
                view: "label",
                label: short_description,
                align: "center",
            body: {
                view: "form",
                rules: {
                    "my_choices_name": webix.rules.isNotEmpty,
                elements: [
                    // INPUT TITLE
                    {template: "Select the desired value", borderless: true, css: {"text-align": "center"}, autoheight: true},
                    // INPUT WIDGETS
                        cols: [
                                view: "richselect",
                                label: "Choices label",
                                labelWidth: 100,
                                width: 250,
                                name: 'my_choices_name',   // name serve per rules, validate e get form elements
                                invalidMessage: "Required to select a value",
                                options: [
                                    {id: 'option_1', value: "Option 1"},
                                    {id: 'option_2', value: "Option 2"}
                    {height: 5},
                    // FOOTER WITH CENETERD BUTTONS: | Cancel | Send |
                        margin: 5,
                        cols: [
                                view: "button",
                                width: 100,
                                value: modal_cancel,
                                click: function () {
                                    // returns the top parent view, for element in window: window
                                view: "button",
                                width: 100,
                                value: modal_ok,
                                css: "webix_primary",
                                click: function () {
                                    if (this.getFormView().validate()) {
                                        var params = {'my_choice': this.getFormView().elements["my_choices_name"].getValue()}
                                        _{{ view_prefix }}action_execute(
                                            action, ids, all, response_type, short_description, modal_title, modal_ok, modal_cancel, params
  2. Then overwrite the toolbar_list_actions block to use my_custom_action_ui

    {% block toolbar_list_actions %}
        {% if is_enable_actions %}
            var {{ view_prefix }}actions_list = [
                {% for action_key,action in actions.items %}
                    {id: '{{ action_key }}', value: '{{ action.short_description }}'}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            function {{ view_prefix }}actions_execute(action, ids, all) {
                {% for action_key, action in actions.items %}
                    {% if action_key == 'my_action_name' %}
                        if (action == '{{ action_key }}') {
                                '{{ action_key }}',
                                '{{ action.response_type }}',
                                '{{ action.short_description }}',
                                '{{ action.modal_title }}',
                                '{{ action.modal_ok }}',
                                '{{ action.modal_cancel }}'
                        } {% if not forloop.last %} else {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                        if (action == '{{ action_key }}') {
                            _{{ view_prefix }}action_execute(
                                '{{ action_key }}',
                                '{{ action.response_type }}',
                                '{{ action.short_description }}',
                                '{{ action.modal_title }}',
                                '{{ action.modal_ok }}',
                                '{{ action.modal_cancel }}'
                        } {% if not forloop.last %} else {% endif %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% else %}
            var {{ view_prefix }}actions_list = undefined;
            var {{ view_prefix }}actions_execute = undefined;
        {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}


Finally you can access the input parametrs as request POST data in the action method my_action(self, request, qs)

params = json.loads(request.POST['params'])
choice_value = params['my_choice']