

Create the forms (e.g. <app_name>/

from django_webix.forms import WebixForm, WebixModelForm

class CustomForm(WebixForm):
    # field1...
    class Meta:
        localized_fields = ('__all__') # to use comma as separator in i18n

from <app_name>.models import MyModel

class MyModelForm(WebixModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = '__all__'
        localized_fields = ('__all__') # to use comma as separator in i18n

How to customization parameters of Form/ModelForm (extra from django standard form)

form_fix_height = None

Used for fix form height and enable scroller when is too height.

form_fix_height = None

Used for fix form height and enable scroller when is too height.

min_count_suggest = 100

Used for ModelMultipleChoiceField and ModelChoiceField fields to set him from dropdown to autocomplete field.

style = 'stacked' # 'tabular'

Used as style when this form is used to create an Inline.

label_width = 300

Used as width for label of field.

label_align = 'left' # center ; rigth

Used as align for label of field.

How to customization rendering of Form/ModelForm (used from as_webix)


def get_elements(self):

For each field get_elements convert standard django field to a webix-field configuration (each field is a flat keys-values dict). Extra: Only GeoField, FileField and ImageField are created as more complex strucure. Example of override it:

def get_elements(self):
    elements = super().get_elements
        'readonly': 'readonly',
        'disabled': True,
        'type': 'password',
        'width': 300,
        'labelWidth': 150,
        'label': _('field name text new'),
        'placeholder': _("Search..."),
        'value': 5,
        'css': "multiline"
    return elements


def get_fieldsets(self, fs=None):
    self.readonly_fields = [] # automatically popupated, but is possibile to add some fields
    self.autocomplete_fields = [] # automatically popupated with ModelMultipleChoiceField and ModelChoiceField, but is possibile to add some fields
    self.autocomplete_fields_exclude = [] # automatically popupated with ModelMultipleChoiceField and ModelChoiceField, but is possibile to add some fields
    if fs is None: fs = self.get_elements
    # create an output structure
    # otherwise can have flat structure with a field for each rows like django standard
    return super().get_fieldsets(fs=fs)

If you want to change not only field by field but as form will be rendered you can work on get_fieldsets. Example of override it:

def get_fieldsets(self, fs=None):
    self.autocomplete_fields_exclude = ['field_1']
    self.autocomplete_fields = ['field_2']
    if fs is None: fs = self.get_elements
    # like override function get_elements here is possibile to force webix-field-dict
    return [
        {'cols': [fs['field_1', {}]]},
        {'cols': [fs['field_2'], fs['field_3']]},
        {'template': "section webix example", 'type': "section"},
        {'cols': [fs['field_4'], {} ]},

Permissions and request

Into __init__ function of form set are set request and permissions that are used into get_fieldsets or get_elements to custumization pourposes.
